I don't know if you like to read much, but you must have some interest since you are reading this blog. Reading is work me. I'm slow, I get bored, I lose my place and I can only read one chapter at a time. Dr. Seuss books are the only stories I can read in one sitting. I take that back. I'm the master of picture of books. My wife on the other hand, loves to read and can devour a book in no time. Especially a book from Ted Dekker.
Ted Dekker is one of our most favorite authors. He writes Christian fiction books in such a way, that this guy who finds it difficult to read, actually enjoys reading! When we found out that he was coming to our area, we had to attend. He was going to be speaking about his most current book and how that story is his story, which is our story. We had the chance to meet him and snap this picture. He is a great guy!
But that wasn't the most important part of the evening. I got to spend it with her. That lovely young lady that Ted appears to be leaning towards is my wife, Tiffany. To see her excited and happy is important to me. She pours her heart into her children and that other big guy, that she sometimes doesn't get to enjoy these special treats in life. I was happy to see her happy. Then it dawned on me. Why don't I do things like this for her more often?
If you are married, when was the last time you did something for your wife to make her happy because you know it would make her happy?
Too often I'm focused on me and I think that should change. Perhaps 2014 will be different in that regard. To see that smile on her face more often is worth it!
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