The book is called "Uprising." I took this book off the shelf and began my journey through it. So far, this book is focused on helping people experience the life that God intended them to experience. We get used to the mundane and live there. God has so much more for us and will we take Him up on the journey.
That reminds me of the time when Jesus invites the disciples on a journey. He would be with them forever even though they wouldn't be able to see His face. Read about it in Matthew 28:16-20 or click to view (Click back arrow on web browser to return)
They were going on a journey to tell others about Jesus. There will be some that will accept this good news and others who will reject. Some will grow deep in their relationship with Christ and others will walk away. And He will be with us the whole way.
But you have a choice to join Him on the journey or play it safe in the mundane. So what will you choose to do?
That is the power of a good book. This book has influenced me in one chapter. How will it impact me in chapter two. But this couldn't have happened unless I cared about what was influencing me.
Do you care about the influences around you? You should. Take control and make sure a positive influence is on your shelf.
As you close: Ask God to point out a book in the bible that He would want you to read and/or a book that would impact you in a specific area. Ask Him. He'll answer.
God Bless!