I like happy endings, don't you? My wife and I were watching a movie the other night and I thought, "I hope this has a happy ending." The way things were going, it needed to have a happy ending.
The Book of Esther is an action story. Will the Jews be saved in the end? They were facing an impossible situation. How will God get them out of this? He did and He did it through Esther.
Esther did a brave thing by going to the King unrequested. In those days, a person could be killed just by showing up. It puts pastoral visitation in a new light. I will call before I come. I don't need a killer dog or a 12 gauge shotgun as a hello. Well anyway, she approached the King on behalf of the Jews and to make a long story short, the Jews were saved.
This moment in history is actually remembered every year for the Jewish community. It is called, "Purim." Purim is a celebration when they fast/pray, like Esther did, and come together as a community to celebrate life and God's blessings. They still celebrate it today. That Celebration is directly from Esther's moment in history. She was and is still being used by God to reveal His glory.
I don't know about you, but I want to be used by God to reveal His glory. Whether it be for a moment in time and forgotten or remembered forever. It's not about me, it's about Him. So whatever He decides to do through me, all glory goes to Him anyway.
By now, you should be feeling a tugging on your heart. Are you fully surrendered to Him? Can God use you to reveal His glory to the world? What is holding you back? Let go, and give your entire life to Him. You won't regret it.
As you close this week: Thank God for Esther's story. Ask God to help you be ready to be used by Him to reveal His glory. And then just keep your eyes open to what He is doing. He works in mysterious ways.
God Bless!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Fully Surrender:Esther - Day 4
Defining moments. These are moments that are locked into our brains that we will never forget. It may be the day/moment that we realized that that was the person we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with. It may be a trial or challenge that we learned a valuable truth that we have applied to our lives. Defining moments.
Esther was having one of those moments. From a poor young foreign girl to a queen is staggering. This was going to be a defining moment for her. Not just being queen but why she was made queen.
In the book of Daniel, God communicates that He establishes kings and removes kings. Or even queens for that matter. God strategically puts people in places to use to reveal His glory. The thing to remember though is they may be in a position to reveal God's glory, but they still have to decide on fully surrendering or not.
God put Esther in a position of influence and her defining moment is about to happen. She had just heard from her uncle about their sorrow and he pleads with her to do something about it. What will she do? How will she respond to her uncle?
Read about it in Esther 4:9-17 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther%204:9-17&version=NIV (Click on back arrow on web browser to return)
If I perish, I perish. Those are powerful words. Those are words of surrender. Those are words that speak, "I will do what I can and whatever happens, happens. It will be in God's hands then." And that is exactly what happens when we fully surrender. Our lives along with the situation become God's matter. It's in God's hands and He will do with it what He wants.
The point: the cost to oneself doesn't determine the outcome of fully surrendering to God. If we allow the possibilities to dictate, we will never fully surrender. If it costs us our lives, so be it. If it doesn't, so be it. I will do something because God wants to show His glory through me.
How far are you willing to fully surrender? Only if He doesn't make me look foolish. Only if He doesn't make me move away from my home. Only if He doesn't let anything bad happen to me. Only, only, only.
I hope that we take all those only's and flush them down the drain. He is King of a Kingdom that will never end. He decides what needs to happen and who He will show His glory through. He know's your only's. But are your only's holding Him back from showing His glory through you?
You will see God's glory in a wonderful way when you fully surrender to Him. What do you choose?
As you close: Tell God right now that you fully surrender to Him. You don't care what happens to your body, your home, or material possessions. Tell Him that your life is in His hands and you couldn't be in any better hands than His.
God bless!
Esther was having one of those moments. From a poor young foreign girl to a queen is staggering. This was going to be a defining moment for her. Not just being queen but why she was made queen.
In the book of Daniel, God communicates that He establishes kings and removes kings. Or even queens for that matter. God strategically puts people in places to use to reveal His glory. The thing to remember though is they may be in a position to reveal God's glory, but they still have to decide on fully surrendering or not.
God put Esther in a position of influence and her defining moment is about to happen. She had just heard from her uncle about their sorrow and he pleads with her to do something about it. What will she do? How will she respond to her uncle?
Read about it in Esther 4:9-17 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther%204:9-17&version=NIV (Click on back arrow on web browser to return)
If I perish, I perish. Those are powerful words. Those are words of surrender. Those are words that speak, "I will do what I can and whatever happens, happens. It will be in God's hands then." And that is exactly what happens when we fully surrender. Our lives along with the situation become God's matter. It's in God's hands and He will do with it what He wants.
The point: the cost to oneself doesn't determine the outcome of fully surrendering to God. If we allow the possibilities to dictate, we will never fully surrender. If it costs us our lives, so be it. If it doesn't, so be it. I will do something because God wants to show His glory through me.
How far are you willing to fully surrender? Only if He doesn't make me look foolish. Only if He doesn't make me move away from my home. Only if He doesn't let anything bad happen to me. Only, only, only.
I hope that we take all those only's and flush them down the drain. He is King of a Kingdom that will never end. He decides what needs to happen and who He will show His glory through. He know's your only's. But are your only's holding Him back from showing His glory through you?
You will see God's glory in a wonderful way when you fully surrender to Him. What do you choose?
As you close: Tell God right now that you fully surrender to Him. You don't care what happens to your body, your home, or material possessions. Tell Him that your life is in His hands and you couldn't be in any better hands than His.
God bless!
Fully Surrender:Esther - Day 3
Have you ever experienced an absent from reality moment? What do I mean? When you are staring at the computer and a child is talking to you and you had no idea that they were talking to you? When your driving and you didn't notice the flashing lighting in your rear view mirror? When you are reading your bible and you have no idea what you just read?
Everyone at some point or another has had an absent from reality moment. Something or someone wakes us up to reality and we scramble to get our equilibrium of the situation. Esther was in such a moment.
What does a Queen do all day? From the Official Website of the British Monarchy, a day in the life of a Queen is rather diverse. This is what they have to say, "Some are public duties, such as ceremonies, receptions and visits within the United Kingdom or abroad. Other duties are carried out away from the cameras, but they are no less important. These include reading letters from the public, official papers and briefing notes; audiences with political ministers or ambassadors; and meetings with her Private Secretaries to discuss daily business and her future diary plans. Even when she is away from London, in residence at Balmoral or Sandringham, she receives official papers nearly every day of every year and remains fully briefed on matters affecting her realms. In front of the camera or away from it, The Queen's duties go on, and no two days in her life are ever the same." Interesting huh?
Esther was enjoying her life as a Queen. We don't know exactly what that entailed. But unfornately she was experiencing an absent from reality moment.
Read about it in Esther 3 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+3&version=NIV (Click on back arrow of web browser to return)
Esther had no idea what was happening. She was seeing her uncle/father figure in sackcloth and ashes. This is a demonstration of sorrow and she had no idea what he, and many of the Jews were upset about. She sent a servant to inquire and Mordecai told her all about it. She had no idea her people were in danger.
Sometimes we have those moments as well. We have moments when we have no idea what is going on outside our little bubble. In order for us to be fully used by God, we should have some idea what is happening in the world around us. The Book of Esther gives us no indication that God is displeased with her not knowing. He was still going to do a great thing to reveal His glory through her. But I think it is worth mentioning that she was lost in her Queenliness that she forgot that there is a bigger picture going on here.
We can easily get caught up in the moments of life that we are absent to the reality of what God is doing and wants to do. Scripture teaches us to be in the world but not of it. We live in a world that is being redeemed and God is using you and me to reach this world. But if we stay in the palace, the bubble of our own reality, we may miss the very moment that God has been preparing us for.
I for one don't want to miss that moment because I'm absent from His reality. How about you?
Do this: When you think about it, take a moment and look around you. God has placed you where you are and when you are to build His Kingdom and to be used to reveal His glory. Are you aware of your surroundings and watching what God is doing? Take a moment and look. Who does He have in mind to reach through you? What situation needs to be dealt with that He has put you in a position to deal with?
As you close: Ask God, "God, do you have me in a position and a place to reveal your glory? Help me not to get caught up in palace living. Help me to keep in touch with your reality and live fully surrendered to You!"
God bless!
Everyone at some point or another has had an absent from reality moment. Something or someone wakes us up to reality and we scramble to get our equilibrium of the situation. Esther was in such a moment.
What does a Queen do all day? From the Official Website of the British Monarchy, a day in the life of a Queen is rather diverse. This is what they have to say, "Some are public duties, such as ceremonies, receptions and visits within the United Kingdom or abroad. Other duties are carried out away from the cameras, but they are no less important. These include reading letters from the public, official papers and briefing notes; audiences with political ministers or ambassadors; and meetings with her Private Secretaries to discuss daily business and her future diary plans. Even when she is away from London, in residence at Balmoral or Sandringham, she receives official papers nearly every day of every year and remains fully briefed on matters affecting her realms. In front of the camera or away from it, The Queen's duties go on, and no two days in her life are ever the same." Interesting huh?
Esther was enjoying her life as a Queen. We don't know exactly what that entailed. But unfornately she was experiencing an absent from reality moment.
Read about it in Esther 3 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+3&version=NIV (Click on back arrow of web browser to return)
Esther had no idea what was happening. She was seeing her uncle/father figure in sackcloth and ashes. This is a demonstration of sorrow and she had no idea what he, and many of the Jews were upset about. She sent a servant to inquire and Mordecai told her all about it. She had no idea her people were in danger.
Sometimes we have those moments as well. We have moments when we have no idea what is going on outside our little bubble. In order for us to be fully used by God, we should have some idea what is happening in the world around us. The Book of Esther gives us no indication that God is displeased with her not knowing. He was still going to do a great thing to reveal His glory through her. But I think it is worth mentioning that she was lost in her Queenliness that she forgot that there is a bigger picture going on here.
We can easily get caught up in the moments of life that we are absent to the reality of what God is doing and wants to do. Scripture teaches us to be in the world but not of it. We live in a world that is being redeemed and God is using you and me to reach this world. But if we stay in the palace, the bubble of our own reality, we may miss the very moment that God has been preparing us for.
I for one don't want to miss that moment because I'm absent from His reality. How about you?
Do this: When you think about it, take a moment and look around you. God has placed you where you are and when you are to build His Kingdom and to be used to reveal His glory. Are you aware of your surroundings and watching what God is doing? Take a moment and look. Who does He have in mind to reach through you? What situation needs to be dealt with that He has put you in a position to deal with?
As you close: Ask God, "God, do you have me in a position and a place to reveal your glory? Help me not to get caught up in palace living. Help me to keep in touch with your reality and live fully surrendered to You!"
God bless!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Fully Surrender:Esther - Day 2
Do you ever watch the Miss USA Pageant or something like it? I don't because I really don't need to be looking at some other woman. Are they beautiful? Yes. Are they intelligent? Yes. Do they want world peace? Yes; who doesn't? You may find those pageants enjoyable and that's fine to feel that way. Some find it degrading. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
For Esther, she found herself in a pageant. The King wanted a new queen and wanted to have some options. "I liked her answer to the third question, I choose her." I don't know how it exactly took place but in the end the King chose Esther.
Read about in Esther 2:1-18 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+2%3A1-18&version=NIV (Click on back arrow of web browser to return)
Think about the scenario. Esther is being raised by an uncle. They are living in a foreign land. Probably poor. They may have something but probably not like what they could've had in Jerusalem. Is there a mother figure in the home? We don't know. She isn't recognized. Most women in that culture weren't even educated. Poor and uneducated, she is picked to be the next queen of the most powerful empire on the planet. Life was looking up. It would have been so easy to get lost in the pomp and circumstance of the day. She might have even forgotten her previous circumstances and the people in her life. The only question that begs to be asked is, "Why? Why her? Why now?"
God works in mysterious ways. Would you agree? There are times when everything you touch turns to gold. There are times that everything is going your way. When I'm in moments like these, I ask myself, "God what are you prepping me for? What are you about to do? When is the other shoe going to drop?"
God is working on something great by putting a poor, uneducated girl, Esther, in a position of influence. God doesn't care about gold and perfume. He cares about you and me. He cares about the heart. He cares about what we will become. God strategically does things, works in mysterious ways, to do a great work in and through us. All to show His glory.
Esther could've take this pridefully. She could've said, "I am beautiful. It's about time someone figured that out." She didn't do that. We really don't know how she felt about it all. Probably very overwhelmed. But in that moment God whispers, "I about to do something great. My glory is about to be revealed. Can I reveal my glory through you?"
That is the question. Can He reveal His glory through you? Don't be mistaken. You are where you are at, you have what you have, you know what you know as God intends. All He wants to know is, "Can I reveal my glory through you? Are you fully surrendered?"
As you close: Do a gut check today. Is your heart fully surrendered? Or, are you so caught up in your own little pomp and circumstance to notice that God desires to show His glory through you? Evaluate your heart and talk to God about your fully surrendering to Him today.
God Bless!
For Esther, she found herself in a pageant. The King wanted a new queen and wanted to have some options. "I liked her answer to the third question, I choose her." I don't know how it exactly took place but in the end the King chose Esther.
Read about in Esther 2:1-18 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+2%3A1-18&version=NIV (Click on back arrow of web browser to return)
Think about the scenario. Esther is being raised by an uncle. They are living in a foreign land. Probably poor. They may have something but probably not like what they could've had in Jerusalem. Is there a mother figure in the home? We don't know. She isn't recognized. Most women in that culture weren't even educated. Poor and uneducated, she is picked to be the next queen of the most powerful empire on the planet. Life was looking up. It would have been so easy to get lost in the pomp and circumstance of the day. She might have even forgotten her previous circumstances and the people in her life. The only question that begs to be asked is, "Why? Why her? Why now?"
God works in mysterious ways. Would you agree? There are times when everything you touch turns to gold. There are times that everything is going your way. When I'm in moments like these, I ask myself, "God what are you prepping me for? What are you about to do? When is the other shoe going to drop?"
God is working on something great by putting a poor, uneducated girl, Esther, in a position of influence. God doesn't care about gold and perfume. He cares about you and me. He cares about the heart. He cares about what we will become. God strategically does things, works in mysterious ways, to do a great work in and through us. All to show His glory.
Esther could've take this pridefully. She could've said, "I am beautiful. It's about time someone figured that out." She didn't do that. We really don't know how she felt about it all. Probably very overwhelmed. But in that moment God whispers, "I about to do something great. My glory is about to be revealed. Can I reveal my glory through you?"
That is the question. Can He reveal His glory through you? Don't be mistaken. You are where you are at, you have what you have, you know what you know as God intends. All He wants to know is, "Can I reveal my glory through you? Are you fully surrendered?"
As you close: Do a gut check today. Is your heart fully surrendered? Or, are you so caught up in your own little pomp and circumstance to notice that God desires to show His glory through you? Evaluate your heart and talk to God about your fully surrendering to Him today.
God Bless!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Fully Surrender:Esther - Day 1
How old are you? My second born, Grace is 10 years old today. To her, she has lived a long time. To me, it seems like she was born just yesterday. Age is all a matter of perspective. As a 10 year old, I'm sure my daughter believes that she can do a lot but not like an adult. She has told me that when she gets older, she is going to do this and do that.
My daughter has no idea that God wants to show His glory through her, even at 10 years old.
Esther is a young girl who lived a long time ago, about 2500 years ago. We don't know how young but she wasn't married and most girls are looking to be married in the late teens. I would assume that she was in her middle to late teens and God was going to use her to reveal His glory.
The story of Esther's life is found in 483 BC in the city called Susa. Susa is the capital city of the Mede/Persian Empire. It is about a 150 miles north of the Persian Gulf. It was a beautiful city and this is where we find Esther. Her Hebrew name is Hadassah and her Persian name is Esther and her name means "star." God was going to make her shine for His glory.
The King was upset with the Queen and wanted a new one. This is how Esther is brought onto the scene. Read about it in Esther 1 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+1&version=NIV (Click on back arrow of web browser to return)
Do you find yourself too young, too uneducated, too unqualified to be used by God to reveal His glory? Unfortunately, many people do. God wants to use you. He wants to reveal His glory through you regardless of what you have or what you don't have. He chooses you. Will you choose Him?
You and I have to choose to be used by Him to reveal His glory. What is your choice for today?
As you close: Open your heart up to Him. Ask God to reveal His glory through you today or tomorrow or next year. Just tell Him that you are willing to be used by Him to reveal His glory whenever He wants to.
God bless!
My daughter has no idea that God wants to show His glory through her, even at 10 years old.
Esther is a young girl who lived a long time ago, about 2500 years ago. We don't know how young but she wasn't married and most girls are looking to be married in the late teens. I would assume that she was in her middle to late teens and God was going to use her to reveal His glory.
The story of Esther's life is found in 483 BC in the city called Susa. Susa is the capital city of the Mede/Persian Empire. It is about a 150 miles north of the Persian Gulf. It was a beautiful city and this is where we find Esther. Her Hebrew name is Hadassah and her Persian name is Esther and her name means "star." God was going to make her shine for His glory.
The King was upset with the Queen and wanted a new one. This is how Esther is brought onto the scene. Read about it in Esther 1 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+1&version=NIV (Click on back arrow of web browser to return)
Do you find yourself too young, too uneducated, too unqualified to be used by God to reveal His glory? Unfortunately, many people do. God wants to use you. He wants to reveal His glory through you regardless of what you have or what you don't have. He chooses you. Will you choose Him?
You and I have to choose to be used by Him to reveal His glory. What is your choice for today?
As you close: Open your heart up to Him. Ask God to reveal His glory through you today or tomorrow or next year. Just tell Him that you are willing to be used by Him to reveal His glory whenever He wants to.
God bless!
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