2 Corinthians 2:12-13 "When I arrived in Troas...I didn't find Titus waiting for me with news of your condition, I couldn't relax. Worried about you, I left...looking for Titus and a reassuring word on you. And I got it, thank God!"
Do you remember when people weren't as easily accessible as they are today? Did you grow up in an era when letter writing was the main venue for communication? I do. Waiting for a response from a hand written letter could take more than a week to find out news about a loved one or a friend. Do I miss those days, no! I appreciate hand written notes but, I want to know what I need to know, well, now; not a week later.
Not so for the apostle Paul. He had to wait weeks to hear information about people he cared about. And we see here in this passage that he got a little anxious when he didn't have that information. And when he got it, oh such sweet relief.
You and I have no excuse. We live in an age when we can be in contact with each other instantly. With whom have you neglected lately? With whom have you not spoken to lately? Take a moment and give them a call. Send them an email. Use the technology that God has blessed us with and make the connection.
(Suggested reading: 2 Corinthians 2)