Having four children can be quite a bit of work for my wife and I to handle. They are all growing up so fast and it feels like I don't know them as well as I'd like. So I try to make an effort to find special moments with my kids individually.
A year ago, I brought home an old compound bow my dad had sitting on a shelf in his basement. It looked lonely and I thought, "I could put that thing to work." So there it sat in my bedroom corner for a year waiting for me to give it some attention. All it needed was a little TLC and a new string. So, after visiting a local bow shop, I was in business to start practicing.
My second daughter has taken up archery so I thought we would do a little target practice together. Last night we had a blast. We shot for about an hour and it was the best thing we could have ever done together. I watched her skip to retrieve the bow that managed to make its way to the bulls eye on a number of occasions. Mine however, well, let's just leave it to your imagination.
Driving home, it hit me. She and I have found our special moment together. Archery is something that will bond our hearts together, forever. A 39 year old father and a 12 year old daughter. That moment hit the bulls eye in our relationship. I can't wait for my arm to stop aching so I can try this again!