Did you wake up this morning with aches and pains in parts or through out your body? I do almost every morning. My back hurts or shoulders are sore and I wonder if sleep is worth the pain. I thought sleep was supposed to help you not hurt you. Some would say, "You need a new mattress." What I need is a new body.
And I will get it as soon as I get to heaven. We've been talking about this gift called "Glorification" and it is God's gift to those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. Day 2 we talked about part of the gift and that is a perfect spirit. We will not struggle with sin for the rest of eternity when we reach heaven.
Today we are talking about the second part of the gift and that is a perfect body.
Read what Paul says about this perfect body in I Corinthians 15 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+15&version=NIV (Click back arrow on your browser to return here)
Paul tells us that we will receive a new body in heaven. It will be a heavenly body. It will be imperishable. It will be immortal. Can you imagine that? It will be a body like Adam and Eve prior to "the fall". One that is perfect in every way and will never break down and die.
In our day and age of botox and plastic surgery, we are doing what we can to keep this body together. We have hospitals and doctors who are doing their best to keep us alive and healthy. We have people living longer these days, but unfortunately everyone's body still breaks down, decays and dies. Sad news, I know, but it's true.
Can you imagine a day when there will be no longer a need for doctors and nurses. By the way, I thank God for them. But there will be a day when we don't need their services anymore because we have a perfect body. We won't need nursing homes either because people won't grow old. They won't grow weak and frail. We won't need cemetaries either because no one will die. We won't need the Center for Disease Control because there won't be any more diseases. Can you imagine that?
But we are back to reality because that part of the gift is later. We will have a perfect spirit and we will have a perfect body.
Tomorrow we will talk about the third part of this gift and that is a perfect place.
As you close: Thank God for making you, your body. Thank God for watching over your health and being with you when you are battling something. Thank God for the gift someday, that a perfect body is waiting for us.
God Bless!
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