Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Glorification Day 1

Good morning all.  I'm sorry I am a day late for this day one of glorification.  Our family was traveling back from Iowa and I couldn't make it to the computer. 

If you were unable to attend Brighton Chapel on Sunday, you missed a great talk about glorification.  So this week will help make that up for you.

These five words, Condemnation, Reconciliation, Justification, and Sanctification all lead up to this last word Glorification.

What does it mean?  The word means, to be glorified or to be like Jesus.  God has an end goal for our lives and that is to be conformed into the likeness of Jesus.

Paul writes in Romans 8 that we are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus.  That is what awaits us in heaven.  It is like a gift that God has prepared for us.

Do you like Christmas?  I do.  I like to give gifts to those I love most dearly.  As a pastor I love you dearly, but I don't have the resources to get you all gifts so suffice it to say, my family are the ones I give gifts to.  Sorry.  LOL.  Anywho, I love to give gifts to my family and put their names on it.  I have a gift for each one and it is especially for them.  They receive the gift because their name is on it.  They don't put it there, I do. 

However, glorification is like a gift that God has wrapped especially for you.  Truth be told, He doesn't put your name on it, you do.  The Bible tells us that when we surrender to Jesus, our names are written in the Lambs book of life and all the names written in that book have the gift of glorificaiton waiting for them.  So, you are the determining factor if you receive this gift or not.  And it all hinges on you surrendering your life to Jesus Christ and letting him lead your life.  Have you done that?  If you have, this gift called glorification has your name written on the tag and it awaits you in heaven.  If you haven't surrendered your life to Christ, then there is no gift with your name on it. 

So, maybe you're thinking, "I want this gift.  How do I surrender to Jesus?"

Good question.  Jesus asks a question to his disciples and he asks you the same thing.  It is a question about belief.  "Who do you say that I am?"  Jesus wants to know what they really think.  Do they believe he's the Savior of the world or do they think he is just a regular guy who is not who he claims to be.  Peter said to Jesus, "You are the Christ (meaning the savior of the world)." 

Who do you say that Jesus is?  If you believe he is the savior of the world, just whisper this prayer to him: Jesus, I believe you are the Savior of the world and I want you to be my savior.

If you said that prayer and meant it, there is a gift called glorification that awaits you.  Your name is written on a tag on a gift in Heaven waiting for you.  Heaven is celebrating right now because of your decision.

What will heaven be like?  Read Revelation 4 or click to view http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+4&version=NIV (Click back arrow on your browser to return here)
Now that you have this gift "glorification", what exactly is in the box?  How exactly will he conform me to be like Jesus?

That is what we will talk about for the next few days.

As you close: Pray and thank God for the gift of glorification.  Thank God for his grace that he even allowed you to even have a gift waiting for you.  He is good and we need to thank him for his goodness.

God Bless!

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