Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reconciliation - Day 5

Everyone knows that a family needs to learn how to forgive.  There will be moments when we offend each other, hurt each other, say something or do something that bothers others, and we will need to forgive. 

The other day I thought Heather had done something wrong and I approached her about it.  I didn't approach her in the most appropriate way.  I approached hot with anger, ready to pronounce the judgment.  Then I heard those words, "Dad, I didn't do it. It was..."  Ugh.  I could've said, "Well then, learn the lesson of this situation and don't think about doing that ever, or you will get it big time."  I needed to apologize.  I needed to say, "Heather, I'm sorry.  I was wrong. Please forgive me."  Most of the time my children are quick to forgive.  (Tiffany is another story, but I won't get into that at this time. Just kidding.)

In the family of God, there will be times that we fail one another and fail God.  Scripture teaches us about forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35 or click to view  (Click back arrow on your browser to return here)

Jesus teaches us to forgive and that forgiveness should not be withheld.  In this story that Jesus told, the man had been forgiven a great debt, but he was unable to forgive others.  God dealt with that kind of attitude. 

Is there someone in your life that you are having difficulty forgiving?  God is serious about you forgiving that person.  If you've experienced the forgiveness of God, you are to forgive others. It's terrible to hold on to such anger.  Anger has destructive power.  Some people have harbored such ill will towards others that the individual is removed from the family.  Does God ever feel that way towards us?

Does God kick us out of the family for making sinful mistakes?  Some people believe that you "lose your salvation" when you reject God's law/plan for your life.  I personally don't believe that.  I find in Luke 15 that Jesus teaches us that we are still a part of the family even though we wonder off.  God doesn't support our decision to leave but He allows us the opportunity to make that decision.  He will always be waiting for us to come home. 
Perhaps you know of someone who was a part of our church or attended church somewhere and they are not attending anymore.  Pray for them to come home.

Reconciliation has a lot to do with forgiveness.  Are you willing to forgive as you have been forgiven?

As you close: Pray for reconciliation to happen in our church family.  If you need to forgive someone, take a moment and pray for them.  Ask God to help you to forgive them as He has forgiven you.

God bless!

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