Friday, November 19, 2010

Fully Surrender:Esther - Day 5

I like happy endings, don't you?  My wife and I were watching a movie the other night and I thought, "I hope this has a happy ending."  The way things were going, it needed to have a happy ending. 

The Book of Esther is an action story.  Will the Jews be saved in the end?  They were facing an impossible situation.  How will God get them out of this?  He did and He did it through Esther.

Esther did a brave thing by going to the King unrequested.  In those days, a person could be killed just by showing up.  It puts pastoral visitation in a new light.  I will call before I come.  I don't need a killer dog or a 12 gauge shotgun as a hello.  Well anyway, she approached the King on behalf of the Jews and to make a long story short, the Jews were saved.

This moment in history is actually remembered every year for the Jewish community.  It is called, "Purim."  Purim is a celebration when they fast/pray, like Esther did, and come together as a community to celebrate life and God's blessings.  They still celebrate it today.  That Celebration is directly from Esther's moment in history.  She was and is still being used by God to reveal His glory.

I don't know about you, but I want to be used by God to reveal His glory.  Whether it be for a moment in time and forgotten or remembered forever.  It's not about me, it's about Him.  So whatever He decides to do through me, all glory goes to Him anyway.

By now, you should be feeling a tugging on your heart.  Are you fully surrendered to Him?  Can God use you to reveal His glory to the world? What is holding you back?  Let go, and give your entire life to Him.  You won't regret it.

As you close this week:  Thank God for Esther's story.  Ask God to help you be ready to be used by Him to reveal His glory.  And then just keep your eyes open to what He is doing.  He works in mysterious ways.

God Bless!

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