Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fully Surrender:Daniel - Day 5

I am tempted everyday to follow the pattern of this world or follow God.  Each day I wake up to a world of decisions.  What will I do?  Sometimes I follow the world.  I fit right in and nobody notices anything different.  Then there are days that I follow God.  I fully surrender and choose to do the things He desires for me to do.  People notice something different because it isn't with the flow.  Each day I have this battle. 

The same is true for you too.  If you choose to fully surrender your life to Jesus Christ, you will have to reaffirm that choice throughout your day, every day.  The world will tempt you to follow it instead of God.  The devil will tempt you to listen to him instead of listening to God.  You will have this battle every day.

Daniel was a fully surrendered kind of guy.  He stood up to foreign kings and told them exactly what God wanted them to know which could have cost him his life.  He made the choice to live for God's kingdom.  But just like you and me, he too was faced with moments of just fitting in and following the flow of the world around him or staying fully surrendered to God and standing up for it.

King Darius had been king over the entire empire of the Medes and Persians.  These two peoples had conquered Babylon and now benefitted from Daniel's services.  Greed and jealousy can be found in any era and that is exactly what was going on with Daniel chapter 6. 

Why not read Daniel chapter 6 or click to view (Click on Back Arrow on web browser to return) So what was the problem?  Don't pray to your God Daniel.  If he did, he would be thrown into the lions den.

Daniel had a decision to make.  Would he stand up for his biblical/godly values or would he go along with the rest of the world?  He chose to keep his values and as a result he was thrown into the lions den.

You know the end of the story.  Daniel was kept safe by God.  As a result, God's glory was revealed through him to another foreign king who recognized the God over all and the kingdom that is over all.  All because one man was fully surrendered to God.  One man who was living for another kindgom.  He saw God's glory in a powerful way.

That is exactly what I want for my life.  I want to be fully surrendered to Jesus and see His glory revealed through me.  What a blessing that is. 

Will I surrender, every day to God's plan and trust Him to do what is necessary to take care of me, my family in order to see His glory?  The same goes for you.

As you close:  Pray about your current level of surrender. Are you afraid to fully surrender? Pray about that fear.  Are you unsure of what He is going to do through you? Pray about that as well.  Talk to Him about fully surrendering everyday and strength to keep that commitment.

God Bless! 

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