Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sanctification - Day 4

Do you remember this song, "God is so good, God is so good.  God is so good. He's so good to me."  I used to sing that song when I was younger.  A very simple song but the point is quite clear.  And just think, the author has us repeat it over and over.  Why is that?  The repetition is so that we would never forget it.  We have a tendency to forget important truths in the midst of life.  We shouldn't forget this.  God is so good to us.

Moses recounted God's goodness after they left Egypt.  Read Exodus 15:1-18 or click to view (Click back arrow on your browser to return here)

The reason I remind you of that song is so that you will remember it while God is doing His work in you.  You may get frustrated with God.  You may even get angry with him.  Just remember, everything that you are experiencing is going to be used for good in your life.  God takes every moment and uses it to change us into the masterpiece He has in mind.  So when you are tempted to get agrivated with God or even depressed, remember that God is good and he has a good reason in mind.

What is He trying to do in us as His children?  What's the end goal?

Romans 8:29, "to be conformed to the likeness of his Son."  The word "conformed" is like a potter with clay.  He is shaping us up to be like Jesus.  God is changing us in three particular areas.

1.  God is changing our minds.  He is teaching us how to think like Jesus.  When Jesus was living here on earth, he had a choice, just like you and me.  He chose to live a righteous life.  Now Jesus is God and He will always do the right thing, but like Hebrews says, he understands the pressures and temptations, yet did not sin.  God is helping us to do the right thing and the more we do the righteous things in this life, at times the easier it will be.

2.  God is changing our hearts.  He is transforming our heart from being self-centered to being others-centered.  He had compassion on people and loved people.  He longed to be their shepherd and lead their lives.  When we look at people, we may at times think how we can benefit from them.  We may think about what we can get instead of give.  God is changing our hearts to feel like Jesus and love people like Jesus.

3.  God is changing our lives.  He is leading us on a path that is right.  That is good.  When He is finished, and we've followed Him, we will look back and be amazed at what He's done through us. 

That is His end goal.  That is the purpose of sanctification, to set us apart and make us holy.  We've talked alot about God's part.  Is there a part we play in the process of sanctification?

If God is going to change us, and conform us to His Son, Jesus, is there anything we can do to help the process?  Yes. We will finish this week with exactly that.  See you tomorrow.

As you close: Pray for God's good work to be done in your life.  Pray for all the areas He wants to change in you.  Watch and see God work.

God Bless!

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